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Business cards.

Do you have Print-ready files to upload?
If your artwork meets the below requirements and no further adjustments are required 
please drop and drag to our file up-loader on our Business Card Order Form or email them direct.

PDF Quick Checklist

Although we can print from a very wide range of file types and formats to ensure the best possible result please supply print ready PDF’s.

Format:               PDF
Colour profile:   CMYK
Bleed:                 2mm
Safe Zone:          2mm
Resolution :       Min 300dpi - All layers and gradients flattened.
Fonts:                 Embedded/Converted to Curves

Note:                  RGB & Pantones will be converted to CMYK which may affect the colours

Please ensure that if you are providing us with print-ready artwork you have checked through the requirements above or read the details below and your material is, in fact, ready for print.
If you’re unsure about whether or not you’re artwork is print-ready, or you require further 
explanation, or assistance please call 0407 000 312 or email leah@lushgraphix.com.au

Files Types
We require PDF files created to print ready specifications as below. 
Designs can be created in any design program but be exported or saved as .pdf

When designing or publishing to PDF make sure document colours are set to CMYK

Please ensure that all fonts are converted to curves.

If there are any images within in the document, they must be flattened. No transparencies.
Save bitmaps as CMYK and no less than 300dpi, 

All output to be in CMYK 

Bleed - Trim & Safe Area

Bleed 2mm bleed is required. 

Eg If Business Card is 90x52 then final size including bleed would be 94x56

Trim is the actual size of card. 90x52

Please include trim marks in .pdf file.

Safe area is 2mm within Trim line, eg. 86x48
Make sure all text and other information you do not want to be cropped within this area.

Email- Upload
Please send finished artwork to: 
leah@lushgraphix.com.au or upload to our

Business Card Order Page.

Larger files can be sent to Dropbox or File Transfer or choice.

Please provide the same file types and colour preferences as mentioned above.

Call or email for more information on page Sizes, Bleed amount and Safe Areas

PDF Quick Checklist
Format:         PDF

Colour:          CMYK

Bleed:            2mm

Safe Zone:    2mm

Resolution :  Min 300dpi

Fonts:             Embedded/Converted to curves

Note: RGB & Pantones will be converted to CMYK which may affect the colours

Other File Types 

Formats accepted: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .png, corel, photoshop, word, publisher.

Make sure all .jpgs are flattened. No layers or transparencies unless needed.

All bitmaps to be high quality unless used for web and small printing.

All files, photos, graphics to be free to use. Either your own files or have been purchased through a stock 

photo site and have no copyrights attached to any third parties. Most graphics already on teh internet are

owned by others so please be aware that I will not use another persons intellectual property.

Make sure there is no copyright on images supplied.

Email for further information on submitting files.




General printing.

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